Runner's knee - symptoms and treatments

Again, an example of how the cause can be very far from the site of pain. Massage the small muscle marked by the dotted area to release the strain on the long tendon that runs from the muscle down to the outside of the knee just below the knee joint.

Runner's knee is not uncommon in runners and other athletes such as skiers and cyclists. Here, we review the symptoms, causes, and the best methods to relieve the pain and prevent future problems

What is runner's knee?

Runner's knee occurs when the tendon on the outside of the knee is overused, which can cause irritation and inflammation. You often experience intense pain on the outside of your knee during exercise. The pain can persist even after your workout, and your knee may feel stiff and sore. Pain under and around your kneecap can also be a sign of overexertion, and is called "jumper's knee," which can also occur during running.

Runner's knee can occur if you increase your training volume too quickly or if you don't warm up properly beforehand.

Causes of runner's knee?

Increasing your training volume too quickly, skipping stretching or warming up, and wearing shoes that are not adapted to the surface can increase the risk of runner's knee. Running downhill can also put extra strain on the knee and contribute to the problem.

Treatment of runner's knee

The best treatment for runner's knee is often rest and recovery. Maybe not what you want to hear as runner's knee often occurs in those who love to exercise and therefore have exercised too much. Usually no medication is needed, but patience and rest are the best choice. If you want a pain-relieving effect, you can use Hot & Cold liniment.

Frequently asked questions about runner's knee

How long does it take to get rid of runner's knee?

Runner's knee can last anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months. It depends on how bad it is and how long you have ignored the symptoms.

Can you run with runner's knee?

It depends on how intense the pain is. If you only have mild discomfort, a proper warm-up may be enough. However, if the pain increases during or after running, you should take a break to avoid aggravating the irritation. It is advisable to run shorter and slower, avoid hills and uneven surfaces, and if the pain gets worse - stop immediately and switch to alternative training.

Does liniment help with runner's knee?

Liniment can provide temporary relief by increasing blood circulation and can reduce stiffness and discomfort. However, it does not treat the underlying cause of runner's knee. Hot & Cold liniment provides a warming and cooling effect that can reduce the sensation of pain. It also softens the muscles and tendons around the knee so they become less stiff.

Recommended products for runner's knee

Hot & Cold Organic Aloe Vera Liniment is a suitable product for sore muscles.

Foam roller for the IT band (the long tendon along the side). But roll mainly the hip and thigh and not directly on the tendon.