common questions

Why has the formula been updated in Hot & Cold?

New EU rules have entered into force that methyl salicylate may not be included in creams more than a certain percentage. The formula has been changed to this percentage and compensated with
additional essential oils and magnesium.

Why does it get hot and cold when using Hot & Cold?

In addition to massage itself getting blood circulation going, the essential oils in Hot & Cold, among other things, enhance the heat and cold.

I get more cold than hot. Why?

How you experience heat and cold is very individual and varies from person to person. However, the most common thing is that you initially feel heat, which then turns into cold.

Are there any substances that cause side effects in Hot & Cold?

Our Aloe Vera grows on organic farms in California and is used in its natural form, i.e. is not pasteurized or water-reduced. All useful substances remain. In addition, natural vitamins and essential oils are included. The preservatives are approved by both the Swedish Medicines and Food Administration. No parabens. There is always someone who is allergic to something even if it concerns natural substances. Read the table of contents to be sure what is included.

When to use Hot & Cold?

From the beginning, Hot & Cold was mainly used by therapists who needed a powerful liniment but at the same time were afraid of their hands. Since the cream is Aloe Vera based, it is healing for the skin at the same time. Today it is a very popular self-care product and is used to soften stiff muscles and joints.

I used to buy Hot & Cold in a health food store. Why isn't it sold there anymore?

When Faxma Natural Care shut down its company at the beginning of 2024, one of the owners took over the product rights and started up again with sales only through the web-shop. Expensive product, customs fees, shipping etc mean that a dealer link has to be removed.

Can children and pregnant women use Hot & Cold?

In order to recommend products for children and pregnant women, there must be research that supports these groups specifically. There isn't.

Can you be in the sun after anointing yourself with Hot & Cold?

Yes. But note that there is no SPF factor in the cream.

I work as a therapist and use slightly larger quantities. Do I have another price list?

Today there is only one price list for everyone. However, for larger purchases discounts of up to 30%.

Shop for SEK 500 including VAT = free shipping

Shop for SEK 1,000 including VAT = 10% discount

Shop for SEK 3,000 including VAT = 20% discount

Shop for SEK 5,000 including VAT = 30% discount

Vad är speciellt med Hot & Cold om man jämför med andra liniment?

Det utmärkande för Hot & Cold är basen av opastöriserad, enzym-aktiv Aloe Vera. Alla enzymer och antrachinonföreningar finns kvar och det blir en utmärkt synergieffekt med ingående linimentämnen och vegetabiliska oljor.

Skickar ni till övriga länder eller bara inom Sverige?

Webbshopen har precis startat upp och inom kort ska det fungera att beställa även från övriga Europa.